A Resolution for a New Year's REVOLUTION

A Resolution for a New Year's REVOLUTION

I had a blast talking at HI D&D this week. There was an incredible turn out, great questions and a real appetite to give things a go. Thanks so much to Fran for inviting me and hosting so graciously.

I was discussing how to use art to cement an intention, how I create my Spell paintings and how to create your own piece to help you step towards realising your dreams.

My work is all about change. Often at this time of year we talk about making resolutions. They're usually something flippant that we don't continue with after a week or two, if that. I would love us all to think a little bit more deeply about change and about what we really want and need to change and how we can be a tiny part of making bigger change happen in the world. 

I suffer from Eco-Anxiety. Especially as the mother of children, I think about my part in leaving a struggling planet to my children. And there are so many interrelated systems that are broken and destructive in our world at the moment. The education system, our systems of government, economy, capitalism, you name it. I would love for all of the systems to be dismantled and created better. Differently. 

But because we are products of this system, we cannot help but have it internalised in us. And there is no point in us trying to rebuild a system until we have looked at how it shows up in us. Otherwise we will just invent the same thing in another way. So I truly believe that working on our own issues, shortcomings, pain-points and desires, is the first step to living better. For everybody, not just humans, but for the more than human world as well. Ultimately I am an optimist. Neuro-plasticity means we can change dysfunctional patterns in us and that will translate to the external world too, but it is hard work and we will always benefit from support.

So rather than being self indulgent, or a product of the consumer society that's trying to milk you for money and feast on your unhappiness; creating an intention to do something differently can be an altruistic, deeply meaningful and impactful thing to do. Think of the cascade effect, if you're living more aligned to your beliefs and you feel happier. It will affect everybody coming into contact with you, the purchases you make or don't make, where you spend your time and resources. 

I guided some of the participants through the process of working out WHAT needs to change for them (not easy), how to pin-point the "Spell" or focus they need to make that happen, and how to go about creating a piece of art, or focal point to support themselves. 
I so enjoyed supporting people to have this empowering mind-shift that I will run a FREE Zoom session, taking you through the same process step by step in the first week of February. 

If you want 2025 to be the year where you act with intention and create positive change please join me by hitting the button below to register your interest! The session will be preparation for creating something, which could be a painting, but if you are not arty that could be an assemblage of items or even an action.

Sign me up for a FREE intention setting Zoom session!
With a critical mass of people making conscious choices to change, I truly believe that rather than banal new year's resolutions, we can create a new year's revolution!
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